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 Who  was this mysterious Lady named Shadow Weaver? What is her motivation, and why the hood? If these are the things you are pondering, then ponder no more. Follow the link to the Legends and Mythical Lore of Etheria page and read the reasons why. 

Venture if you will to a place that reveals pictures you will never see on Etheria's Chronicles. The range from rare He-man pictures I did, to creatures I was to place in my comic but never did. All this plus some pictures of Lightspinner and Norwyn found in my "Portfolio"

    Looking for the Comic Gallery? Well, I feel it's about time you got to meet the people behind the brightly colored costumes. So I replace it with their bios. Stop in and compare them to the series if you like.

 The Map of Mainland Etheria is up, With the help of a certain Widget from the Discussion board at , he pitched in to help build the map. Thanks Dagar.

Finally I bring up my latest addition to my many pages. Yes that's right, it's another comic. But not one you would normally find in any comic book store. You don't know what I'm talking about? Check it out. The series is entitled "The Board Comic."